Geographies: World wide

Zendo is a platform that lets businesses handle customer requests in one place. Zendo helps sell bespoke services online; saves time by reducing context switching, manual and repetitive tasks, or managing customer communications.

With Zendo, you can get rid of project management, email, accounting, proposal, and CRM tools, reducing the context switching. You can handle the entire sales & delivery process from A to Z, where A is when a customer sends an inquiry to you, and Z is when the service is delivered with an invoice. Customers may pay by the link directly in the chat right after you send them an estimate for maximum convenience.

Using traditional solutions to communicate with customers like email may cause several problems. How often have you put all the stakeholders to cc because the other side has hit "Reply" instead of "Reply all"? How often did your customer circle back after a year or two asking to share the same file again, and you had to search through all the email threads and cloud storage to find it?

Zendo offers a simple to use Customer Profile and chat-like Communication tab, where you can easily manage the entire communication process between your team members and the customer.

You can access all the customer's requests in the past and find all the shared files between you.

Zendo aims at becoming an All-in-One Suite for selling bespoke services online.

Startup Features:
  • Deliver services with peace of mind.
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing
  • Online Marketplaces and Shopping
  • Productivity
  • Technology
Target Audience:
  • crm
  • payments
  • workflows
  • statuses

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