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Fast, Easy, Secure Slackbot for Standup Meetings
Standup meetings are the best way for teams to ensure progress.
Each day, everyone states their progress, next steps, and potential blockers. Then, a summary is reported so everyone can stays updated.
Standup Bot is the perfect tool for CTO's, project managers, and small teams. No more endless hours of data entry, project documentation, and tutorials to learn.
Other bots also have bloated options, complicated features, and confusing instructions to learn. But with Standup Bot, you can have Standups running within 2 minutes.

Startup Features:
  • Fast, Easy, Secure Slackbot for standup meetings
Beta User Benefits:
  • 3 months free trial
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Project Management
  • Utilities
Target Audience:
  • project management
  • team
  • meetings
  • scrum
  • standup
  • slack bots

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