Geographies: World wide

SNAC is Free Static Web Hosting powered by Nginx, Ubuntu and DigitalOcean. Free means forever.

SNAC focuses on designers and developers producing static sites under 30 pages. While static sites may be perceived as limited, there are actually hundreds of third party apps that seamlessly integrate into them making their functionalities limitless; and better than full blown CMSs like Wordpress or Joomla.

A CMS requires 6000 files to dynamically produce a single html page.
A static HTML page requires 1... Itself.

The above is a quote from my blog at:

Static design benefits are:

- Focus on good HTML5 and CSS code, which is the global standard and is easy to learn.
- Avoid having to learn how to configure and update a myriad of unique plugins.
- Reduce the cyber security risk associated with a complex site and hosting environment.
-Reduce your energy and storage footprint on the internet.

Startup Features:
  • Instant deployment, security, no database, small footprint, SSL, simple dashboard
Beta User Benefits:
  • SNAC starts with a free account and has a paid option for additional features. I'll be happy to supply beta testers free access to paid features (no time limit)
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Clean Technology
  • Content Management
  • Productivity
  • Web Hosting
Target Audience:
  • html
  • html5
  • web developer
  • design tool
  • web
  • web hosting
  • static websites
  • static site owners
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