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This is an online Optical Text Recognition service. Using this tool you can upload an image from a file or paste from a clipboard, then recognize all text in it and save it to a text file or copy it to a clipboard.

Oftentimes, when using Optical Character Recognition software to extract and recognize text from an image, you get bad results if use default configuration, especially if the image scan resolution is less than 150 dpi. If recognize computer graphics, like text from screenshots or images from the web, then things become even more worst, because the standard resolution of web graphics is not more than 72 dpi. That is why need to pre-process images to increase recognition accuracy.

This tool is an online text recognition web application with image pre-processing features. It allows to upload an image with text, apply different filters to it and then recognize text and save it to file or copy to clipboard. Also, this tool can be used as a playground for computer vision beginners to try and understand in practice what exactly needs to do with images to increase text recognition quality.

Startup Features:
  • Recognize texts from images
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Information Technology
  • Media
  • Photo & Video
  • Productivity
  • Technology
  • Utilities
Target Audience:
  • online
  • text recognition

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